Thursday, 25 October 2012

Simple BDD - Take 2

A while back I wrote the post Simple BDD where the idea was to show how you can write a self documenting, human readable test in BDD style without the need of any fancy frameworks using fluent syntax. I was literally inundated by feedback from one person. The complaint was that it is weird to write statements such as:


The argument is that this doesn't really read like a story and just seems like I am stuttering.

So I would like to make a small modification to this to show 2 points.

The test name

The test name will really be something descriptive that is most logical:


I am sure I don't have to add the virtual spaces to make it more readable at this point as you would get the idea. The wording here is completely logical.


To actually write this implementation that satisfies the test I am going write a Shape and Calculator and throw in a Visitor just to make it more interesting.

Now to write the grammar in a little bit more like a human, I thought to simply add an And method. Here is the full test and test class implementation:


I DO recommend that you do not use too many evaluations (Asserts/Then) in one test and to rather break them up. The fact that I have shown it is just an example of what the syntax can do. Also the grammar is not set in stone and the idea is to adapt it to what you prefer.

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